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Connect deeper with your inner-self, heal and unleash your full potential through our specialized Romanian retreats!

SELF-LOVE Sanctuary 
Immersive Retreat


Healing and Clarity for the Entire Family

"I participated with my husband and my teenage son in the Satori retreat for their first edition in English, even though we are Romanians. It was a week of healing, clarity, bonding, and transformation for the 3 of us. My husband was going through a difficult health issue, and through relaxation, meditation, and connection with nature, as well as our sessions together, we were able to receive clarity about the next steps. The food and our cabin were amazing. We were there for the first time for this retreat and will definitely go again. Sanda offered us a lot of kindness and understanding. The coaching sessions with her brought the family together and for this, I am very grateful.

Laura S.

Satori Retreats Romania

We are very excited to offer you our

Self-Love Sanctuary Immersive Retreat 

June 24-June 30, 2024

In Transylvania, Romania


Come and discover how to Allow Love and start Honoring Yourself above ALL, because only this way you can truly offer the Best of YOU to others!


Meditation, Yoga, Zumba(R), group and individual coaching sessions, daily activities and exercises for a higher Self-awareness, connection with nature, grounding and centering, practices of self-healing , and so much more.

The accommodation is offered in new, modern cabins!

Breakfast and Dinner INCLUDED IN THE PACKAGES - Local Restaurant on the spot (local trout farm as well)

Take the decision to Transform Your Life and start a NEW adventure!

Join us in an Amazing Transformational retreat in Romania! 


6 nights/7 days!!

June 24-June 30, 2024

Romania has many energy centers, and the natural beauty of the Carpathian Mountains in Transylvania is breathtaking!

Come and learn how to adopt a mentality based on Abundance, Love, Empathy and Allowing and leave behind your limitations so you Can reach Your Maximum Potential in Life!


The retreat offers the following INCLUDED IN the Price in the Bliss Package: 

  • Meditation group sessions

  • Daily deeply Transformational coaching sessions with Sanda Kruger

  • Practical activities and daily exercises - in group, individual and with a partner

  • Yoga

  • Zumba(R)

  • BellyCore(R) Fitness

  • Self-Healing through Mindfulness

  • Cultivating a State of Presence in the NOW

  • Hiking on gorgeous Trails and visits to the nearby waterfall

  • Connection with Nature

  • Accommodations for 6 nights/7 days

  • Breakfast and 3 course Dinner every day - Fresh meals with delicious local foods

  • Relaxation

  • Free time

  • Camp Fire and Music

  • Dance

  • Game night

  • Welcoming Reception 

  • Theme Party - A Celebration of Light and Love!

The Bliss Package

$2,999.00 per Person

The payment can be completed in 2 ways:

A. In full - one time transaction of $2,999.00

B. In 2 payments. The last payment must be completed by June 15, 2024.

Hiking in Nature

(DOES NOT INCLUDE flight ticket and transfer from and to the airport - for these we can guide and assist you, but we cannot make the reservations for you)

!!! Accommodations are shared with another person (2 per cabin)

Reservations are made with a $199.00 deposit which will go towards the retreat payment. 

The Extended Bliss Package

$3,999.00 / Person

The payment can be completed in 2 ways:

A. In full - one time transaction of $3,999.00

B. In 2 payments. The last payment must be completed by June 15, 2024.

Bridge over Waterfall

(DOES NOT INCLUDE flight ticket.

!!! Accommodations are shared with another person (2 per cabin)

Reservations are made with a $199.00 deposit which will go towards the retreat payment. 

See below more details!




 The RETREAT as described above, PLUS:


 4 NIGHTS / 5 DAYS of being a tourist in Transylvania!


After the retreat, we will be visiting together - as weather and schedules allow us - the following: 

  • Bran Castle (well known as Dracula's Castle)

  • Cantacuzino Castle (from the Netflix series Wednesday)

  • Peles Castle

  • Sarmisegetuza Regia (the old spiritual capital of Dacia, before the Romans came to the area - one of the most amazing Romanian spiritual centers; high on the energy scale)

  • Gorgeous monasteries, which are amazing spiritual places full of Romanian traditions

  • the Alba Iulia citadel, and other magical places. 

For the Extended Bliss Package, we offer transfers to and from airport and transportation during the visitation tour under the following specifications:

 - If you fly into Romania in Cluj-Napoca, CLJ Airport, (or you are already there) on June 24 in the morning, we can offer transportation from the airport in CLJ to the retreat location ( an approximately 2 hrs drive). 

 - There are more than 5 participants in the tour

 - For the return, if you fly out of Romania from CLJ or from Bucharest, OTP Airport, we can also arrange transportation to the Airport.

For all other car needs, rentals, taxis, etc - we can guide you, however we are not responsible for those services. 

This is a great opportunity to visit Romania with Sanda Kruger as your guide. Sanda is a Romanian native.

For the tour together, the accommodations and meals will take place at different locations every day. 

The Meals during this tour are NOT INCLUDED in the price.

The accommodations are INCLUDED in villas, cabins, or hotels, on double occupancy per room basis. 

Why Romania.jpeg


We know that there are many highly energetically points throughout this world and many times when you think of retreat, you probably think of Bali, India, Zanzibar or other exotic locations, but the truth is that Romania. Has a beauty and a natural energy, pure and wild, which offers. An unlimited abundance and vibrationally represents at least the equivalent of the energy. Felt in the traditional retreat places around the world.

We've chosen Romania because of the. Abundance of vegetation of waterfalls, greenery, animals, and beauty which will surround you while you're there.

The services and food are amazing. And the prices are just right.

With this being said, Satori Retreats Romania its promising to always choose the partners very carefully and to always strive to offer services of the highest quality for the best possible price. Our purpose is and will always be to offer our clients and our participants. An environment where they can transform. Towards abundance and well-being.


Newfound sense of Clarity and Connection


"My week-long retreat in Transylvania was nothing short of transformative. Surrounded by the mystical Carpathian Mountains, each day felt like a journey into the heart of nature and self-discovery. From morning yoga sessions amidst ancient forests to evening meditations under the starlit sky, every moment was infused with a sense of tranquility and inner peace. Sanda was incredibly attentive, ensuring a seamless experience. I returned home rejuvenated, with a newfound sense of clarity and connection."

Anamaria​ D.

  • If stress and a feeling of disconnect dominate your life…

  • If you have extremely busy days, but you do too little of the things that really bring joy to your soul...

  • If you let yourself be caught in the day-by-day routine, going to work, coming home, making money, and paying bills and you feel like you are on autopilot and you forgot  who you truly are and how you truly want to live...

  • If you feel like you are existing day after day, rather than fully living...

  • If you identify that a deep desire exists in yourself to Press Pause in your daily routine and find yourself centered around your Heart, Come join us this June in Romania.

  • If you want to recharge your batteries,

  • If you want to reprogram yourself,

  • If you want to open up towards self-love, acceptance, and gratitude with the purpose of evolving and learning how to live your full potential in true happiness, prosperity and abundance, because you deserve it…


Then we invite you, with our Hearts Fully Open, come join us!


We will be by your side to guide your steps in a beautiful trip of personal transformation through daily coaching sessions specialized for your needs. In the group and individually through yoga through connection with beautiful roll nature. Through expressing who you really are. Together with relaxation time, hiking in fresh air,  amazingly good food cooked locally for you, and many other activities and surprises along the way, you are in the right spot.

In each of our retreats, you will DISCOVER and REMEMBER:

  • How to make the difference between decisions and actions based on love and decisions and actions based on fear

  • What is the path towards clarity to discover your higher purpose in life

  • How to reenact your deep flame, and how to rediscover your passions

  • To follow your inner guidance and choose what feeds your soul

  • How to start healing or continue to heal your old wounds

  • How to separate yourself from your past, from your upbringing, from your environment, and even from your family, because you are not any of them

  • How to discover who you truly are and what honors you

  • That you are the creator of your own reality

  • What it means for you, to feel completely fulfilled and blissful in life


Other Benefits:


  • Finding your Self after a long time in which you didn't feel close to your Soul

  • Relaxation in beautiful nature

  • Recharging at a new level, where you will learn how to continue to stay even after the retreat is over

  • Identify your ideal place, close to where you live, chosen intentionally where you can find yourself through connection with nature or other methods

  • You get to find your interior peace and calm

  • Recharge your emotional and mental batteries by escaping normality

  • You will learn methods of purposefully creating well-being moments in your day-by-day life after the retreat is over and you return home.

  • The possibility of creating new friendships which can last a lifetime

  • You get to visit one of the most beautiful countries in Europe that is famous for its raw forests and for its rich energy centers and you get to taste some of the best foods in the world. 


Important information for our clients:

We assume the right to accept your participation based on a short discussion together with Sanda. To reserve your spot after the interview, you must pay the deposit. This is the only way to guarantee a place in our retreats.

After the deposit is paid, we will send you a link and you must follow the payment schedule according to your option. 

Keep in mind that the entire sum must be paid with a week before the retreat starts!


We accept cards such as Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover as well as PayPal and Revolut.

You must make the payments from our website, by using the payment buttons on this page.


Retreat Cancellation Policy​

All cancelations must be done in writing!


At Satori Retreats Romania, we want to help you in case of an emergency cancellation, and we are willing to take your reserved spot and offer it to somebody on the waiting list. However, we want to specify that it is the clients’ responsibility to find another person to replace them in this retreat. We will reserve the right to interview this person via Zoom Before we accept it.

It is the clients’ responsibility to read and understand our retreat Cancellation Policy.

Especially for the clients coming from outside Romania, we recommend them to buy travel insurance once the reservations are made.


For our clients, which will join us from the United States and Europe, outside Romania,

the retreat packages for each retreat MAY include the following* (it depends on each retreat, its location and details).

-Transfer - transportation from the airport in Bucharest (OTP), Cluj-Napoca (CLJ) or Iasi (IAS) to the location of the retreat and back.

- Other necessary transfers which are needed for our pre-established retreat trips


Price of your package DOES NOT include:

The international flight towards Romania and back.

The meals during the Transylvanian tour.


We offer maximum 12-15 spots available for our retreats at Vidra de Sus.


There are no exceptions made to our rules! We are not offering credit for those who arrive late or decide to leave early. Each retreat participant much sign the “Client Contract” once they pay the deposit and reserve their spot.


If the client comes from outside Romania, they ARE RESPONSIBLE to confirm with us the reservation of the retreat spot before they buy their flight tickets. Also, once the flight tickets have been booked, the client is responsible to send us their itinerary for the flight, so we know when to expect them. As is stated above, the price of the retreat packages does not include flight tickets in any direction, with no exception.


We are not responsible for cancelled or delayed flights! Also, we are not responsible for lost flights due to traffic or any other reasons. 


Once the payment was made in full, with 5 days before the retreat starts, we will send an e-mail which will include a list of packing suggestions, as well as the Liability Waiver which must be signed by the participating client and turned in before the retreat starts.

The e-mail will also have Important information, the itinerary, and the daily program.

Looking forward to having you with us in Romania!

One of the Best Decisions I've Ever Made for my Well-Being

"Attending this retreat in Transylvania was one of the best decisions I've ever made for my well-being. Surrounded by breathtaking natural beauty and steeped in Transylvanian folklore, it was a truly immersive experience. The daily schedule allowed for plenty of relaxation and introspection, with optional activities like hiking, waterfall visits, channeling sessions, and games. The accommodations were cozy and comfortable, and the wholesome meals made from locally sourced ingredients were a highlight of each day. Overall, a week well spent investing in my physical, mental, and spiritual health."

Vlad H.

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